
Thursday, 8 September 2011

Jellyfish. Performance. Roots & Rotes. Keops Guerrero. Mercat de les flors. Barcelona 2011.

Performance (Creative Process)
Roots & Routes
Mercat de les flors
Barcelona 2011

Scenic exercise created in the second day of the residence Roots & Routes. The premise to work it was feminine-masculine duality. Retaking the myth of Jellyfish, we decided to recreate a situation that revindicated the feminine personage of the fatality to which the border the masculine vision.
Jellyfish was originally a beautiful human woman. Poseidón fell in love with her, he rape her in a temple dedicated to Athenian. Jellyfish goes to Athenian looking for support and she transform her (to be raped) to revenge into a monster. On this point, I want to say that Athenian was born from "Zeus mind", it means Masculine Brain, for that reason I see this punishment, since a male perception.
Jellyfish was pregnant of Poseidón when she was beheaded while she slept by the Perseo hero.
At present and at least in the occidentalized countries, when a woman is raped, she is guilty, punished and stigmatised, happening to be victim to causer, in addition being rejected, locked up and being sometimes denied.
Personally, I consider that the masculine vision under which this constructed the ideology, religion, policy, etc; of the Occident, unbalances and letter against the humans beens and their masculine-feminine duality, which not only talks about the biological sort.
On this choreographic exercise we tried to balance this situation, within which the war between genders kills both and delimits a real evolution and importance of the human been.
Artistic contribution in this creative team were: Lorenzo Ciacciavicca (cinema), Jerome Li Thiao You (music), Emeralda Elizalde (Texts), Manuel M. (dance) and Keops Guerrero (dance).