"...DIES DE DANSA is an artistic event destined the community, that public of Barcelona, Sitges appears in the spaces, Mataró and Sabadell. It consists of a programming of dance with a great variety of languages, tendencies and origins, and with an extremely ample diversity of proposals..."


MOVEO: "...We concentrated in the production of spectacles of own and contemporary creation. The primary objective of the company is to develop theater spectacles that use the body like main means of expression, also integrating audio-visual text, music, stage scene and means..."
The workshop was made up of dynamic of exploracióm and investigation of the movement from exercises of tone muscles, action, dynamo-rates, space and anatomical conscience on the basis of the planes that conform the tridimensionality and the segmentation of the body in head, chest and hips
The use of time and transition between the movements, as well as improvisation exercises, were indispensable in the formation and creation of the language and structures of the assembly.

Citizens without work or papers, citizens to those who we denied the right to the health, parents which they take care of his family, children who take care of their parents.
"...What happens in these supposedly unproductive lives? A factory to give voice, body, movement and value to the people that, according to social criteria are, it lost..."
Direction: Sthephane Leyy and Sophie Kasser.
Duration: Of the 21 of June to the 3 of Julio of the 2010.
Schedule: Monday through Friday of 10:00 am to 13:00 pm
Physical theater tecnic (Corporal mimo).
"...Dramatic corporal mimo of Etienne Decroux half takes the main body like from expression and to the actor/actress like departure point for the creation, with the aim of thus making the hair net visible (E. Decroux), allowing show the thought him through movement..."