
Friday, 25 December 2009

Miloupartout Project in Barcelona, Spain. La Makabra. Keops Guerrero 2009.

The Moving Stage Project Miloupourtout is an intercultural performance project foryoung artists. It has been developed in order to provide performers (e.g. from dance,theatre, acrobatics and pantomime) the possibility to present their work in several regionsin Europe on a moving stage. Hence, we shall create a multicultural evening variety showwith artists from several different countries. During several days of workshops andrehearsal, the participants can collect new impulses for their pieces. The final eveningprogramme will consist of a variety show which is created of several groups with up to30 participating performers variety show. After the event the artists will have thepossibility to further exchange ideas and techniques.
In order to create a dynamic and moving variety show, a core group of performers willtravel from Berlin to Porto via Barcelona between mid October and the end ofNovember. Thus the conception and performative usage of the mobile stage will renderpossible to present shows independently from the local performing spaces, often insurprising locations especially scouted by us!
With a close proximity to the melodious name of Miloupourtout – a fantasy name whichhighlights the playful, dynamic and connecting spirit of our project – we intend toprovide an intercultural and transnational artistic platform, which shall leave behindprejudice and national stereotyping. We intend to build cultural bridges by bringingtogether people from different national, artistic and disciplinary backgrounds. Throughthis exchange, we learn from each other by intern workshops, which reflect the creationin our variety show. This show is characterized by the different – performative – accentsof people from all over Europe. We further want to stress not only the phase ofperformance, but also the post-production through interactive and dynamic ways ofparticipation. This will also continue after finishing the tour, as we wish to create aninter-European space with a close network for future projects such as workshops and jobplacements in the artistic area.

International day against homophobia in Los Cabos, México. Keops Guerrero. May 2009

On Sunday 17 of May carried out in the facilities of the house of the culture of Cabo San Lucas, BCS. The presentation of several scenic artists celebrating the world-wide day of fight against homofobia. Beyond being in agreement or not for the minority groups, to this day show us that in our country we are understanding that we must respect and accept to all by an equal; it is a day in which we are against the fear and of hatred. Homofobia is not exclusive of people with heterosexual preferences, within the same heading gay exists a great amount by ricochet and of hatred, for this reason, this day is a reflection for all those that when they listen to the homosexual word to them some type of noise produces, fear, rejection or hatred. We analyze then which is the origin of our evils.Choreography: study for a tree.
Choreographer: Alberto Rosales.
Category: Hip Hop Contemporary.
Group: Nin-Yo Performance.
Performers: Leonor Báez and Keops Guerrero.
Direction: Keops Guerrero.
Photography: Daniel Busts.
Costumes: Leonor Báez and Keops Guerrero.

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Dance in Los Cabos. March 2009. Keops Guerrero.

Dance sesion at Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, México. In the beaches of love and divorce. Pacific Ocean. May 2009. For International day of the dance promotion.

Perspectivas sociales, Dances to wake up. Season at Baja California Sur. Keops Guerrero. March 2009.

"Perspectivas sociales, Dances to wake up" it´s a season of modern dance presented at the Baja California Sur state in March 2009. Conformed by the modern dance pieces:
  • Heroes and Heroines
  • Human reactions
  • In the shadow of fear
  • Let me tell you a history
  • Human been wanted to be loved, smelled and destroyed

Presented in San José del Cabo and La Paz city. Three stages, three coreographers. Melanie Davis, Leonor Báez and Keops Guerrero.

Human been wanted to be loved, smelled and destroyed. Modern dance. Keops Guerrero.

Human been wanted to be loved, smelled and destroyed.
Choreography: Leonor Báez
Companys: Metate y manos and Nin-Yo Performance.
Dancers: Keops Guerrero, Melanie Davis and Leonor Báez.
Escenography: Keops Guerrero and Daniel Bustos.
Piece of modern dance presented at the XV Contest of contemporany dance in Hermosillo, Sonora, México. November 2008.